Building your API (server)
Mocking data

Mocking data

Sometimes you're waiting for the backend team to add a new property to the resource, that however should not stop you from developing the frontend. You can mock the data in the datalayer and prototype your feature on top of that.

Mocking fields

You can mock fields by adding a custom resolver to a field like the following example

import { node } from 'fuse'
type UserSource = {
  id: string
  name: string
  avatarUrl: string
  // We know the back-end will add this so we can prepare ourselves
  // by adding it here already. Note that we make the property optional
  // with the "?" operator.
  phoneNumber?: string
export const UserNode = node<
  name: 'User',
  load: async (ids) => getUsers(ids),
  fields: (t) => ({
    name: t.exposeString('name'),
    avatarUrl: t.exposeString('avatarUrl'),
    firstName: t.string({
      resolve: (user) =>' ')[0],
    phoneNumber: t.string({
      // When the back-end starts returning the phoneNumber we
      // can switch of off our mock but for the time being we can
      // develop the UI on top of this mock.
      resolve: (user) => user.phoneNumber || '13-850175-913761-7',

Mocking nodes/objects

Another issue could be that we are missing a relation-ship or an entry-point to a resource. We can also cover that case by returning a full object! The back-end here is working on a feature to add a favorite author to the user, we can mock the return value as well as add the entry-point to the mutations!

import { addNodeFields } from 'fuse'
addNodeFields(UserNode, t => ({
  favoriteAuthor: t.field({
    type: UserNode,
    resolve: () => ({
      id: '1',
      name: 'Stephen King',
      avatarUrl: '',
      phoneNumber: '13-850175-913761-7',
import { addMutationFields } from 'fuse'
addMutationFields(t => ({
  addFavoriteAuthor: t.field({
    type: UserNode,
    args: {
      authorId: t.arg.string(),
    resolve: (_, { authorId }) => ({
      id: authorId,
      name: 'Stephen King',
      avatarUrl: '',
      phoneNumber: '13-850175-913761-7',

When the back-end implements the URL whwere we can fetch the author we can remove the mock and the UI will start working with the real data.